Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Almost 9 Weeks!

Well the time just ticks on by week by week. M and I are wrapping up our trip in Las Vegas and I am ready to come home. Never thought I’d get tired of Sin City, but these two little beans are wearing me out. I take naps during the day, so I can stay up until 11:30pm (if I am lucky). Even though I usually eat something before going to bed at nearly midnight, I wake up at 7:30am so hungry I could eat cardboard. The hunger makes me feel a little nauseous and the combined hungry/sick feeling carries me out of bed and to a nearby cafĂ© to get food. At home, I can just go to the kitchen, eat something, and go back to bed. On vacation, I almost need to stash some snacks in the room, so I can sleep in. I suppose if that’s the worst of my pregnancy symptoms, then I don’t have it bad at all. Two more days until my little beans are 9 weeks old!

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