Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Almost 9 Weeks!

Well the time just ticks on by week by week. M and I are wrapping up our trip in Las Vegas and I am ready to come home. Never thought I’d get tired of Sin City, but these two little beans are wearing me out. I take naps during the day, so I can stay up until 11:30pm (if I am lucky). Even though I usually eat something before going to bed at nearly midnight, I wake up at 7:30am so hungry I could eat cardboard. The hunger makes me feel a little nauseous and the combined hungry/sick feeling carries me out of bed and to a nearby cafĂ© to get food. At home, I can just go to the kitchen, eat something, and go back to bed. On vacation, I almost need to stash some snacks in the room, so I can sleep in. I suppose if that’s the worst of my pregnancy symptoms, then I don’t have it bad at all. Two more days until my little beans are 9 weeks old!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Double the Good News!

It’s been two days since M and I have been absorbing the shocking, yet blissful news that our “little bean” is after all TWO little beans!!!  Sitting together in the ultrasound room in complete stupor, looking at the monitor and listening to two strong heartbeats made this real for us.
Each, just a tiny ½ of an inch long and yet 2 strong hearts beating away at 150 beats per minute!  It was the most beautiful sound to hear!  As the pictures on the right suggest, from now on you guys are not “beans” (although you are each the size of a kidney bean now) as far as our doctors are concerned, but Baby A and Baby B.

You should have seen M’s facial expression when I said out loud as soon as the first image came on the screen: “Is that TWINS?!”   He was literally picking up his jaw from the floor. 


While I thought I might have read enough baby books and prepared myself enough by making a baby registry and designing the nursery, I left the doctor feeling like I am in no way prepared anymore. Back to square one!! Now, it’s all about the Mothers of Multiples Club, parents of twins message boards online, and all about twin books. We are scared, but thrilled! We can do it!

The doctor won’t let me go past 38 weeks and over 50% of all twins don’t even make it to 37 weeks before birth, so chances are we’ll get to meet you guys in late September / early October! Now, the guessing game begins about the gender. Girl/Boy fraternal twins are the most common, but I have a suspicion that you are both little girls. We’ll see if my instinct is right!  I claimed that I had a feeling about there being two of you, but M doesn’t seem to believe me! So, I am putting my gender prediction in writing! Never discount a mother’s instincts! J

I still haven’t gained any weight really. I eat the same amount as before. 8 weeks along and 112.5 pounds with a flat tummy!  As I type this, M and I are sitting on a plane on the way to Las Vegas for a long weekend and I plan to get plenty of pool time. I bought some maternity clothes in case I blow up all the sudden and need to take them on this trip, but I packed some sexy “party” clothes instead because 1) they fit the same and 2) they will be missed for a long time when you two start growing & competing for space in this tummy!  :-)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Four More Days to the First Ultrasound! Eeee!

My morning sickness has been gone the last few days and I haven’t woken up at night as much, so I feel lucky. I still have some food aversions – the sight and smell of deli cuts or even raw poultry or fish is grossing me out. I ate some chicken nuggets last night in a wrap and that went down easy, but overall just trying to avoid meat right now. It’s all about veggies, crackers, eggs, beans, and soup. Sometimes I wish I had the morning sickness back, so I could feel pregnant and not worry. Thankfully I only have 4 more days to wait!!

PS – I think you’re a girl. I felt that way for weeks and we won’t know for sure until 18-20 weeks (late May – early June), but I just have a feeling.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Countdown to the First Ultrasound

You’re almost a blueberry (7 weeks) but I still like to think of you as my little “bean” – hope you don’t mind. It’s a term of endearment. :-)

We are getting closer to March 13th – our first ultrasound and appointment. I just hope it will only be good news and feel secretly scared to think otherwise.

This past week, I have definitely been feeling differently than before. My middle of the night trips to the bathroom are more frequent, I am nauseous in the mornings and randomly throughout the day… I also crave something one minute, then go to get it and before I can even take a bite I instantly feel disgusted by it. Lemon water and pomegranates are my friends – these 2 things I can always stomach.  On Sunday, I ate pizza for all of my meals (and that means you did too – sorry!).

M and I have started kicking around ideas on what to name you. M is so picky! He is much pickier than me.  I think if you’re a boy, we are really going to struggle to agree on names. We barely agree on the two boy names we have now!!