Wednesday, April 17, 2013

13 Weeks!

Another milestone down!  With our first trimester screening results looking healthy and another ultrasound down, we are looking forward to our vacation (“babymoon” – like honeymoon, but a trip you take before the babies arrive) and some relaxation!

At this point, we have also told the news to all of our friends, family, and even posted on facebook! Everyone is of course overjoyed for us. People who already have twins welcome us to the “twins club”… 

This society just seems fascinated with twins, like it’s some supernatural phenomena.  :-)    

3D picture of you both snuggled up together

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

12 Weeks!

Sorry I haven’t written for 3 weeks! I have been tired, sleepy, more nauseous than ever before, and just uncomfortable in general. I had a week-long business trip to Chicago at 10 weeks and spilled my beans (literally) to my co-workers and my boss. Everyone was so nice and offered to do things for me, like moving my chair across the room. One of my co-workers, Michael, even got you guys a baby book of tongue twisters about the Fox in The Sox. It was so sweet! During that trip, I also shoveled food onto my plate every chance I got and ate it all. I also supplemented with protein shakes all day since it’s easier to drink your calories than to eat them when you’re trying to gain weight. 

But here we are at almost 12 weeks and I have a visible bump now, but still weigh 113 pounds! I just don’t get it – every day I eat SOOO much more than I used to eat pre-pregnancy and I don’t  burn my calories during intense exercise anymore. It’s pretty much down to walks in the park with Chaser at this point. I guess gaining weight is much harder than I thought!  According to my twin book, I should have gained close to 15 pounds by now, but I just don’t see how that would be possible. I can only hope my appetite revs up as I get into 2nd trimester and I can actually gain some fat. So far, everything I am eating seems to go straight to my 2 little beans.

Technically, each of you is the size of a lime this week. But you’ll always be my little beans. J  We can’t wait for our first trimester screening and the next ultrasounds – both in 2 days!  They might even be able to guess your genders then!