Monday, October 13, 2014

13.5 Months... All Those Firsts!!

Admittedly, I have been a bad mommy blogger! I thought about checking in here more often than had the time to write a few lines of text. But the last 3 months have truly been the most fun and the most busy months with Carter and Logan. Their 1st Birthday party, their 1st beach trip, their 1st real cold along with fever (and congestion that’s still lingering here for the 3rd week!), their 1st words, their 1st steps…. I get to share all that in one post instead of capturing the daily excitement of those firsts…

Carter is now a proud owner of 6 teeth (4 upper, 2 lower), runs everywhere, squats to pick up toys, says “mama” and learning to say “baby” (though it comes out more as “bay”..pause…”bee”)… Today he learned how to climb onto the couch, grabbed the remote and ran over to the TV and pointed it expectantly. He also waves hi and bye. Before I step out of their room, I wave to them “bye-bye”, kiss them, and tell them I love them. Carter waves back… He can also release balls into this pipe in a ball-shooting toy. He has seen me do it & repeated.

And today, instead of smiling, Logan waved back at me too. He also took 7 steps!! So close to walking too. But he just gets SO excited that he is walking, that he starts laughing and gets all wobbly, planting on his butt. Logan is lot more chatty that Carter lately. He sings. He plays independently for a longer amount of time, without needing to be acknowledged. He loves our cats and is very gently with them – smiles super wide and giggles when we spot a kitty cat. He has 3 upper teeth and 2 lower. The 6th one is on the way…. He surpassed Carter in drinking from an open cup and LOVES it. Carter will blow bubbles and laugh, but Logan legitimately likes drinking from a cup. He is so cute… He also chews food very thoroughly. Oh! And today he also bit Carter for the first time (first time anyone's bit anyone else!) - there is am imprint of all 5 chompers on C's elbow.

Both love each other – giggle and smile together from their cribs at me and at each other when I leave the room. Monkey see, monkey do! One does something and the other repeats it. Both love books and listening to stories. The “touch and feel” books with different textures are so awesome – they love to look at pictures and have their index fingers ready to go when I tell them “feel it”. “Feel how fussy the bunny is”, “feel how soft the sheep is”, “what does the sheep say?”…. this is our daily conversation.

This is the best age! They are so sweet and all ours. I am in love....I am.