5.1.2010 - M and I got married @ St. Ives Country Club in Atlanta, Georgia
5.17.2010 - We returned from a *fantastic* honeymoon in Bora Bora (left pic)!! Since I took the lead in planning the wedding, M was given a big chunk of our budget to muster up a surprise destination and to plan the whole enchilada. I would say it was 100% worth it! He did fabulous!
7.4.2010 - Chaser, a 6-week old Vizsla puppy, joined our family. Although we already had 2 cats, the dog was the next logical step - someone to throw more laughs and color into our lives. :)
We already had a big enough home with plenty of room to run around (and chase the cats). We just couldn't think of an excuse! I overcame my fear of stinky dogs when we came across the vizsla breed and really, it is true! He sheds very little and does not stink.